Why would John Kerry make a great President?


hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
With all of Kerry's annoying flip-flopping, at least we have the comfort in knowing that he won't likely make too many big decisions with the same kind of one-dimensional blinders that Bush uses ... instead, he will look for the support of the public, congress, the senate, and the international community. He's too chickenshit not to. I can find some comfort in that, at least.

Jan 20, 2002
K,I am convinced that what makes a good president is his cabinet.I don't think Regan was an exceptionally bright man but had a good cabinet and hence an effective presidency.Carter on the other hand may have been one of the most intelligent presidents we have had.He had a horrible cabinet and hence a terrible presidency.I think it is impossible to tell what kind a president a man will make until he is in that position.Lets face it,we learn nothing about a man while the are campaigning,because they tell us what we think we want to hear.I think George Jr. is not very bright at all.Cetainly not as sharp as his father was,but he has done a decent job.I don't like or trust the man,but he has been effective to a degree.The only person I can think of that I would be willing to bet would make a good president is Colin Powell.Other than that its a crap shoot in my opinion.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
He will be a lousy president.he is Clinton light, no politcal backbone.he has voting record more liberal than Ted kennedy (if thats possible).
If the vote went his way in the 80's a nuclear freeze would have been passed leaving the Soviet Union in place.
If the vote went his way in 1990 Saddam not only would still be in power but still in Kuwait.
If the vote went his way on defense systems the US Military would be fighting today with hockey sticks.
Voted for this war,but said he didn't mean it,and said we should have basically gotten Frances permission.
Has voted for anything that would include a tax hike on anything...more than T.kennedy.
Supported Clinton on NAFTA,now says he dosen't.
If this guy did not come from a state where the voters are about 80% democrat he would be selling insurance.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
xpanda - No offense but I think this should be reserved for people who live in the US. I don't see how anyone inside the country would rather us just stand still instead of moving forward.

Judge - I don't think it's fair to say George Bush is not very bright just because it's "what you heard". The guy graduated from an Ivy league school.....I think he's pretty smart.

This thread is for people to make a case for Kerry. Hopefully someone can offer some examples of what Kerry is going to do to fix all of the problems in the US. As many die hard Democrats that there are on this board I'm sure I will see a strong case for him.

Jan 20, 2002
K,I try to form my own opinions.My opinion of him comes from hearing him talk.I could be wrong but just doesn't strike me as very bright,and certainly not a deep thinker.{not that that is a requirement of the job}.

Jan 20, 2002
BTW,I amnot that passionate about anyone wanting to be President right now to make a case for them.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Another point on the economy,the country just had the largest growth over the last quarter than in 20 years...unemployment is 5.6% which is solid if not very good.
This outsourcing horseshit of jobs going overseas is what is going to happen when all you lefties are for this global baloney bullshit...its the price you pay...you want peace and harmony and globilisation?..there is a price to pay,somthing you lefty have a hard time understanding...you don't get nuttin for nuttin...just like free love,you want free love? you pay for AIDS then....GET A FXCKIN CLUE!!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KMAN:
The guy graduated from an Ivy league school.....I think he's pretty smart.
Even if he'd gotten into Yale on his own merit instead of on his last name I'd still give you one of these . . . .

John Kerry will be an upgrade over Bush if he does any of the following things:
1. attempts to repair relations with important American allies (Canada, Mexico, and especially in Europe)
2. reins in the out of control spending and tax cut combo that is bankrupting the country
3. doesn't start a war
4. backs off on this moralistic anti-gay, anti-choice bullshit and keeps his nose out of the bedrooms and vaginas of the nation (cue Bill Clinton jokes)
5. abolishes the patriot act and restores the civil liberties that have been taken away by the current administration


New member
Sep 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>. abolishes the patriot act and restores the civil liberties that have been taken away by the current administration
By the way you freedom lovers John "Fraud" Kerry voted FOR the patriot act.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Kman: my point is that I don't think Kerry will be as quick to make serious decisions on an international level. Whether you or I like it or not, the US's actions have a tremendous impact on the global community.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
It doesn't matter. Anybody but Bush IS geat. Kerry wasn't my 1st (Clark), 2nd (Gephardt) or 3rd (Edwards) choice but so be it. It's all about the ABB baby. It seems like Bush and the Pubby's are trying to run more on Kerry's record than Bush's own. An incumbent reelection is usually almost entirely about the incumbent and his record. Is Bush afraid to run on his own record and ability?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Angus - Come on now.

1) Basically you want to Kerry to kiss Canada's, France's and Mexico's ass, right? You want jobs to stay in the US yet you don't mind if illegal immigrants from Mexico take the jobs as long as they are in the country. Is that right? You realize that these illegal immigrants don't pay taxes right? Aren't liberals for raising taxes and making sure everyone pays there fair share....Well, what about illegals?

2.) Agreed with trimming the spending. We all agree on that....Unfortunately when you have a terrorist attack in your own country which causes millions to lose their jobs and when you have corporate scandals which casue people not to invest in the stock market, and when you enter a recession you have to spend money....Which one of these circumstances was President Bush's fault. Not to mention what Patriot just said "Another point on the economy,the country just had the largest growth over the last quarter than in 20 years...unemployment is 5.6% which is solid if not very good." Hard to say that the tax cuts aren't helping with stats like that.

3.) So if someone bombs John Kerry's family and kills his wife, he should just let it go...WTF? We'll have to disagree there. I'm all for protecting my country and not letting rogue regimes continue to build nuclear weapons. You do understand that terrorists don't care about us and they will never stop trying to kill all Americans right?

4.) Unlike you, I am not going to tear someone down because of their religous beliefs. Obviously you are not religous so we will have to agree to disagree there.

5.) How has the Patriot effected you personally? It has not effected me. If it has assisted in the capture of criminals and terrorists than I am all for it. Whatever it takes to keep me and my family safe? Are you married? Do you have any children? Aren't you concernced about the safety of you and your family?

New member
Sep 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Whether you or I like it or not, the US's actions have a tremendous impact on the global community. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

X..you are so correct...Thats why you need a alpha wolf in the white house not some mealy mouth waffling appeaser...With that said if you on the left then Ralph Nader would be the guy.You need leadership.Either right or left you need leadership...Zell Miller a democrat from Georgia said of Kerry."All vine and no tomato"

New member
Sep 21, 2004
xpan - I would much prefer a decisive leader who is unafraid of making important decisions, particularly in light of terrorism.

John Kerry is the opposite of this and his way of thinking leads to the type of paralysis in leadership that we saw from Jimmy Carter in 1979 (think Iran Hostage Crisis).

That type of leadership is unacceptable.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
And herein lies our differences again. You say you want a leader unafraid to make important decisions. I say it'd be nice to have a leader afraid to make the wrong decisions.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KMAN:
1) Basically you want to Kerry to kiss Canada's, France's and Mexico's ass, right?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

International relations is about give and take - not 'ass-kissing'. Like it or not the US is not an island and needs to maintain good relations with its most importnant trading partners.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>2.) Hard to say that the tax cuts aren't helping with stats like that.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

How could huge tax cuts combined with huge spending increases do anything but stimulate the economy? The point is that every dollar of debt run up now has to be paid back later with interest. Bush has been fiscally irresponsible.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>3.) So if someone bombs John Kerry's family and kills his wife, he should just let it go...WTF? We'll have to disagree there. I'm all for protecting my country and not letting rogue regimes continue to build nuclear weapons. You do understand that terrorists don't care about us and they will never stop trying to kill all Americans right?
Did Iraq have nuclear weapons that no one but you is aware of? Has Iraq somehow been implicated in 911? The war on Iraq had nothing to do with protecting American lives and preventing terrorism . . . give me a break.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>4.) Unlike you, I am not going to tear someone down because of their religous beliefs. Obviously you are not religous so we will have to agree to disagree there.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Where did I tear down anyone because of their religion? I fully support your right to believe whatever you want, but you don't have the right to force your religious beliefs down other people's throats. Oh yeah and by the way, just because I don't hate gays and don't want to make criminals out of girls who choose to have an abortion doesn't mean I'm not religious . . . I am a practicing Catholic.

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>5.) How has the Patriot effected you personally? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This topic has been hashed out ad nauseum in this forum. Whether or not I have been affected personally by the Patriot Act does not change my view that it is an unreasonable violation of personal liberty and privacy.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
X - Canada can afford to have a leader like that, the US can't. Carter almost led us off a cliff 25 years ago and Kerry would likely be worse.

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